It's that time of year again folks: the Superfluous Amounts of Water are back!
a. Sea wall
b. Cinder-block walk (boards just don't cut it)
c. The only bridge over the Rio Molocue for 5 miles in either direction
d. Retaining wall for the worlds largest glass of chocolate milk
If you answered a or b, I'm sorry but your wrong. If you answered d, you're also wrong, but I like your hopeful creativity. No the correct answer was c folks. With all the rain we've been getting these past few weeks, Molocue's infrastructure has taken a beating. But collapsed houses, cracking bridges, eroded roadways, and unpredictable power cuts are only part of the story. Much in town has ground to a halt from the countless people who are either very late or just completely fail to show up to work. Classes are stopped for hours at a time because the tin roofs turn every drop into a waterfall (Coldplay was't being melodramatic on this one) . Market prices have jumped from 1mt to 1.5mts a tomato, 40mts/kg to 60mts/kg of feijao mantega (butter beans), 60mts to 100mts for a bag of carvao (charcoal), and 320mts to 420mts for a bag of cemento (I think you can figure that one out). Travel plans have been cancelled because bridges are not where they used to be. Volunteers have been evacuated and relocated because their houses aren't where they used to be. Thousands of Mozambiqueans have become weather refugees. Rainy season here is no joke, much more so this year than the last.

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