Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dia do Agradecimentos 2012

So I know that normally thanksgiving is the 3rd Thursday in November  But who chose that? The man probably. As a rebel nonconformist, I cannot accept this and am instead fighting the power. I, Samuel Harris Bar, am declaring today, the 4th Tuesday in November as my personal day to give thanks. My first amazing year in the Peace Corps has given me plenty to be thankful for, so here it goes. Viva a revolucao!

-Cold water
-Ice cream
It's much easier when they're drunk
-Frozen turkeys
-Refrigeration, in general
-Clever hand turkeys
-Incorrect stereotypes about Africa
-Trustworthy and loyal friends
-Loving family that misses me
-Movitel fiber optic, and how it can make distant friends and family feel closer
-How easy hammocks are to make
-Finding a perfect pair of new jeans while searching through bales of clothes in the market
-Temperature regulated ovens
-Being kept busy
-Gutters for collecting rain water
-Coco, despite the stressful moments
-Woks and Soy Sauce
-Capuala hoodies (yes, they exist!!)
-Never having to call PCMO or go to the ER of the HDAM for a ME
Chiure thanksgivings 2012
-Low expectations, high hopes
-Refrigeration again, its just that good
-Having one’s achievements recognized, even if only by a couple people
-Dancing to flag a car down for a boleia (ride)
Last step of our boleia dance
-Seeing the sun set into the rolling hills of Zambezia from my front porch
-Students who are excited to learn
-The Broly Trinity
-Being able to look behind you and see how far   you've come
-Being able to look forward and have an idea of where you want to go

Phew, that was a mouthful. Good thing I didn't try to do this on the "official" thanksgiving. My bloated stomach wouldn't have been able to handle it. I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving full of food, friends, and family. See you all in the states in 2 weeks!

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